"holy impractical outfit batman!"

john and jeffrey = solemates (har har har)
I sent that in a text message to Steven as I left my house to meet him in Steveston today, and it's got me thinking: What would impractical outfit batman's gadgets be like? I know what he would wear, all leather and neon colours, both hard to camouflage and difficult to fight bad guys in (but oh so fierce!). I know his weakness, much like mine, would be the inability to compromise outfits regardless of weather, as evidenced by the pictures below the cut.

It seems like a cute outfit indoors, but outside it was raining buckets, and windy beyond belief. At one point an old man across the street pointed at me and laughed. I'm not even kidding. He had a big white beard, and a yellow raincoat on and was the epitome of a frozen fishstick logo, and I admit, he had every right to think me a fool. But I digress. Steven and I had an exceptionally fantastic evening together, coffee and tea at Rocanini's and then when the sky cleared up, a fun little walk around the village before we got our frozen little butts home. I have to confess, we took way more pictures than the ones I'm willing to upload. I am horrible about pictures, both taking them, and posting them. I don't know if it's my asian genes, or just general lack of talent, but no matter how hard I try my eyes are closed in 80% of the pictures. Of the 20% left after that, I generally cut 18% of them for little things, like my hair looking strange, or my leg looking distorted, or the classic 'I look fat in this'. Steven assured me that I will get better at this, but aside from widening my eyes as far as they will go every time the camera goes off, I see no solution to the problem. (Actually, I did that when I was nine for my HK citizenship card, right before the lady put me in the photo booth she specifically emphasized the importance of not blinking, so I had a staring contest with the camera in the booth. I looked terrified/lobotomized in every single photo, when I had to give the pictures to the guy behind the counter he laughed in my face. A running theme in my life it seems.)

I also got a haircut today, not that you can really tell as my hairdresser curled my hair afterward. There isn't much of a difference really, I got two to three inches chopped off and slight side bangs. I initially wanted a more drastic cut, but most people I asked were against it. In fact, one of my coworkers threatened to bleach his hair and get a mullet if I cut my hair short. I guess the thought of my face being that exposed is incredibly offensive to him, haha.

my favourite picture from our date

t.babaton silk dress, wilfred bustier, jeffrey campbell shoes.

2 Responses so far.

  1. Tinu says:

    Those shoes are a-m-a-z-i-n-g!

  2. Unknown says:

    LOVE the dress ;) You look killer in it!

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