silly love songs

 Only seventeen more days until I leave for London. I feel like a million butterflies are fluttering in the pit of my stomach, and they are making it difficult to sleep at night. I have spent many many hours researching London and Paris the past couple days, looking at anything from Liberty fabrics in London, to one man operation restaurants in Paris. I know we won't get to most of the places I want to go to, especially in Paris, but I'm filing those places away for my next trip. Seems silly that I'm already planning another trip before I've even taken this one, but I feel like Paris is one of those places I'll adore. It has enough wine bars, french pastries, vintage shops, and beautiful people to keep me entertained for months at a time.

And besides, Sophie has already volunteered herself for a trip to Paris with me. ;) Now I just need her to get a job so we can actually go together next year, haha.

PS. I haven't been able to stop smiling since we won Series 1 last night, and FINALLY crushed those silly blackhawks. Hockey is one of those things that cause me to act irrationally, and every year during hockey season, I find myself filled with hatred for Vince Vaughn, for no reason other than the fact that he is a Blackhawks fan. Well, that and the fact that he's a terrible actor. I don't think I'm the only one either, I think if Vinny decided to come to Vancouver to work while we were playing the Blackhawks he'd probably have to hide out in his hotel or risk being ruthlessly heckled on the streets by rabid Canucks fans.

PPS. Though it doesn't really matter anymore, as I'm sure Vince Vaughn cried himself to sleep last night after Alex Burrows completely OWNED them.

i need to marry a basketball player, like right now.

I'm sure the vast majority of you have seen Elle's photos of Khloe Kadarshian's shoe closet, but just in case you haven't yet born witness to the extravagance, here it is:

love, pure love.
I have to admit though, while I am completely enchanted by the shoes, I am mostly loving the colour coordination. I have OCD tendencies, which usually only manifest themselves when I am stressed out or procrastination (exam week usually result in a colour coordinated closet, art supplies organized by size and colour, genre organized bookshelf, and make up sorted by colour, type, glitter, cream vs. dry, etc etc) and a shoe closet of that size appeals to both my love of shoes, and potential for endless organization systems.

While this has been posted to death on the blogsphere already, I can't help but point out another example of how style can only improve with age: Dame Helen Mirren at the European Arthur premiere! Seriously, at 66, Helen Mirren rocks leopard and leather better than girls my age, she's the perfect balance of sassy and classy!

In other news, Steven and I have finally booked our train tickets to Paris, and our hostel there! We'll be there the night of the 16th, and leaving the afternoon of the 19th!

Young woman, you're gonna be an old woman someday.

Advanced Style: Age and Beauty on

Confession: I'm terrified about hitting 40, but could not be more excited to be in my 60s.

I am absolutely loving this video from Nowness, it is just fantastic. I think these women are an absolute inspiration, and proof that style doesn't come from the money to buy expensive label, but simply confidence in yourself.

Going cold turkey

So I have been thinking about clothes nonstop lately, which isn't really anything new, but because I am leaving in just over a month(!), I can't buy any of it. It's driving me insane, and to stop myself from blowing the money I need for food and shelter on things I don't (currently) need, I've been browsing saks, bloomingdales, and the like (if i'm going to fantasize, i may as well fantasize about chanel and prada right?) to fulfill my inner desire for pretty things. In the process, I've also made up a list of things I will let myself indulge in as soon as I get home and start making summer money.

1. Kate Spade Essex Scout, in citronella.

perfect for summer, am i right?
How cute would this be with a bright skirt paired with a sheer white top and espadrilles? (A: VERY.)

For the rest of my summer binge, read on after the jump!

"holy impractical outfit batman!"

john and jeffrey = solemates (har har har)
I sent that in a text message to Steven as I left my house to meet him in Steveston today, and it's got me thinking: What would impractical outfit batman's gadgets be like? I know what he would wear, all leather and neon colours, both hard to camouflage and difficult to fight bad guys in (but oh so fierce!). I know his weakness, much like mine, would be the inability to compromise outfits regardless of weather, as evidenced by the pictures below the cut.

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing

So today Moony & I had the cutest date in our favorite fishing village; Steveston.

Days like these when we spend the majority of our time discussing clothes and taking pictures I feel most inspired to get working on a better wardrobe. It's hard sometimes to rationalize buying new clothes when in my mind I'm telling myself, "You have enough clothes already" but I can't help but feel that I've grown out of the style of a lot of what I own.

So I think I'll slowly start to build it up so that I don't end up spending a lot of money in one crazy shopping spree in an attempt to revamp my style~

Maybe I'll even start planning now for next fall!

Though, I should really think about the summer for now.

Especially because I feel like Europe is so far ahead of us, fashion-wise, so I have to make sure I look my best for when we go! Maybe that's the underlying reason behind my sudden insecurities. But again, with the pre-trip shopping thing... Can't go crazy!

Maybe I'll try out some vintage looks so Moony and I can pre-trip shop in thrift stores! (: There are lots in Steveston~ but the trick is always finding things to fit my skinny, tall self...

With these sort of thoughts in mind, I foresee some fun adventures in our future. (:

a house is not a home unless your closet is beautiful

At least a hundred bottles of Chloe hanging from the ceiling, probably my mother's worse nightmare. My dream come true though, I love Chloe, it's definitely one of my favourite fragrances. I'd never have to buy another bottle again if this were hanging about in my house. Though if we're going on a dream house fantasy, I'd also be living in one of those floating houses on the river. And my closet would be a huge boudoir of it's own, stuffed to the brim with designer clothes.

One day. In the mean time, don't forget to follow our blog with bloglovin!

What more of an appropriate way for me to introduce myself than to flaunt my obsessive love of shoes.

Hello, I'm Steven.

These are my new shoes.

I bought these beauties just last week because after a year of eying them I no longer possessed the strength to resist.

John Fluevog is a shoe designer who actually lives in right here in Vancouver whose creations never fail to make my jaw drop in awe and shoe-lust.

However, this expenditure of mine must also serve as a reminder to both Moony and myself that we need to start tightening our wallets. We simply cannot afford all this pre-trip shopping when glorious things undoubtedly await our discovery in both London and Paris.

I'm still having trouble accepting that this is actually going to happen for the two of us.

This past fall I came up with the tentative idea to go to a college in England called Capernwray:

but things didn't work out as I had wished they would and there was no longer any hope of me going.

So, needless to say, I was beyond excited when the opportunity for Moony and I to go to London together on our own trip came up.

Things are moving so quickly. I think we're going to blink and then the next thing we know we'll be on the plane headed over there and then the trip of a lifetime will be underway.

I think one of the most exciting parts about it are going to be that it's just the two of us. It's going to feel so liberating and exciting and probably even a little scary. We're going to face the world on our own with nothing but each other to fall back on... for 15 glorious days.

But first,
we've got to get through exams.

I'd say that a nice little trip to Europe is going to be quite the reward for ALL the diligent studying the two of us shall SURELY be doing over the next two weeks. (:

life's such an adventure.

cheers for now,
until the next pair of sho--

until my next inspiration arises.

au revoir!

if the devil really wears prada, you can let him know i'm ready to make a deal

Continuing yesterday's theme of Muiccia worship, these Prada suede sandals from the Resort 2011 collection are my new summer loves.
They cost more than my flight to London, and I'm going to be honest with you, I seriously considered buying them instead of the plane tickets.
Could you really hold it against me though? They are beyond.
image from the amazing fashion toast